Our Approach

The underlying principle is simple. Monk Communications will research and understand what your target media want you to provide them with, then formulate a plan to deliver, leveraging off your existing talents where appropriate. This can be anything from a written comment once a week to something significantly more complex like delivering a fully functioning TV studio at a remote location, but past performance has shown this approach works. The greatest benefits can be delivered over the longer term as this allows mutual trust to be built between media and client, but shorter projects can also be considered.

Monk Communications is a small business so overheads are limited. This means clients can get the very best value possible, benefitting from the direct financial markets knowledge and media experience of the consultants. This certainly isn’t a case of a senior team coming in to pitch then your account being delegated down to junior staff for the day-to-day management.

With innovative fee structures, plus tracking/valuation metrics to show performance over time and against key competitors, an appropriate RoI can be delivered, reinforcing the value proposition. Media relations projects have primarily been carried out in the UK, but Monk Communications has also delivered success in territories from Ireland to Singapore.